Status Monitor

Status Monitor is a new way to create customised monitors with a specific strategic focus (eg. ARR, Happy customers, CO2 reduction). Status Monitor displays the combined progress of multiple data sources like Initiatives, KPIs and other Status Monitors. These data sources can even originate from across multiple strategies. If you want to display progress values other than percentage, you must ensure all data sources share the same progress value.  


Create a Status Monitor 

Status monitors are created only by the admin user(s):  

  1. Select  Settings page in the menu and click Status Monitor

Picture 2

2. Click the purple New status monitor in the upper right corner:

Picture 3

3. Enter the Name of your Status monitor. If needed, add a description.

4. Save the new Status monitor. 


After creating your status monitor, it is time to add data sources relevant:  

5. Click the  Option Button (three dots) belonging to the  Status monitor  you want to add data sources to. Chose the relevant data source in the drop down, eg. an initiative:  


Picture 4

6. Select the relevant strategy from the drop down 
7. Select the relevant initiative from the drop down 

Picture 6

8. Continue the steps above until you have added all relevant data sources.  


You can now find all your status monitors by clicking the Status Monitors icon in the left- side menu (right under the dashboard icon).