Org Unit Page

On December 15th of 2022, we launched a new feature: Org Unit Page, a new module to visualize in detail the information from the departments of your company and the strategic entities belonging to them.

Now you can find it by following the next steps:

1. Choose the Organization icon in the menu on the left:


2. Select the Org Unit of interest.

3. Click on the name and the Org Unit Page will open:



The Overview will show a detailed count of Users, Initiatives, KPIS, and Comments attached to the Org Unit selected.

Below, the tabs Initiatives and Performance Indicators will show all the detailed information of these strategic entities with their progress status, Accountable, Sponsor and due dates.

Also and additional subtabs only for the initiatives will display due times to focus on: All, Due in Period, Upcoming in period, all overdue.

A search bar will help in finding quickly the initiatives or KPIs from this Org Unit.

Finally, you can edit, update, add comments even create new strategic entities according to your role permissions.