First step guide

How to get started:

Log in

1. Go to and click Login in the upper right corner:


2. Log in with the information you received from DecideAct via email.  

3. You can also log in directly here:  

4. Welcome to your new powerful strategy execution platform!  


Create Organization:

1. Select Organization in the menu. Your parent organization appears automatically: 


2. Click the option button on the right (three dots): 


3. Select New Orgunit. The New Orgunit form will open. 

4. Enter the Name of your main organization unit (e.g., Marketing). 

5. Save the new Orgunit. 

6. Continue in the same way to add more main organization units (e.g., Sales, Finance, Customer Service). 


To add a sub-org unit under one of your main org units.

1. To the right of the main org unit that you want to create a sub-org unit for (E.g. for Customer Service), click the option button (three dots):

2. Select New Orgunit. The New Orgunit form will open. 

3. Enter the name of your suborganization unit (e.g.,Helpdesk). 

4. Save the new sub-org unit. 



Next, add users to the system.  

1. Select Settings from the menu and click Account Users



2. The User Management page will open.  

3. Click the New User to open the form. 


4. Fill out the required fields. 

5. First name and Last name are required.

7. Customized initials are optional. If empty, the system will automatically generate initials.

8. Title is optional 

8. E-mail is required.  

IMPORTANT: Use only legitimate email addresses that can be replied to. Also, two users cannot be created with the same email address.  

9. Phone and Time zone are optional.

10. Account user role is required. Your choice defines the permissions given to this user. Find further descriptions of the different permissions here.  

After saving a new user’s details, they will automatically receive an email with system login instructions. If you prefer not to grant that person system access but still need them to work in the system, set the user as Draft. This means passive users and the person will not receive the email with login instructions until you change their user role.  

12. Save the new user. 



Next, create your strategy (or strategies, if applicable). 

1. Select Strategy Builder from the menu and click  New Strategy to open the form. 

New strategy1

2. Enter the name of your strategy:  

Strategey name

4. Use the Description field to enter a description of your strategy, if needed. 

5. By default, Strategy Privacy is set to Public. This means that the strategy you are creating is public to all users in your organization. If you select Restricted, only admin users will be able to view it. No one else.  

6. If relevant for your strategy, you can enable the ESG Strategy. Read more about our ESG platform here

7. Select which Organization or Org unit you want to connect your strategy to. 

8. Select which Strategic Framework you want to use (i.e., Balanced Score Card, OKR, or Pillars & Critical Success Factors). 

7. Select Date range for your strategy (start and end date). 

8. Enable the Link Strategy if you want to link this strategy to another strategy.

10. Save your new strategy by clicking Create Strategy


Strategic Hierarchy 

Now, create your strategic hierarchy. The strategic hierarchy is an essential component of a strategy. The terminology, possible structure and naming of the strategic hierarchy is dependent of the selected strategic framework that is governing the strategy (e.g., Objectives and Key Results or Pillars and CSF).  

We use the word strategic entity as a generic terminology regardless of your strategic framework choice. A strategic framework could be compared with the chart of accounts in your finance system. The strategic hierarchy is a logic structure that helps to keep an overview, monitor and ensure agility in  decision-making. 

If the available Strategic Frameworks do not fit your organization – you can create a custom framework. A part of defining the framework is deciding what can be attached to what and how the business logic is.


Define parent strategic entities. In this example called Create pillars

Define child strategic entities in this exampled called Critical Success Factors (CSF)

You can add more levels to the Strategic Hierarchy – as an example: sub-entities like “Sub CSF” or a new level called Must Win battles.  

The names in the strategic hierarchy can be defined by you.  

You have now created your strategic hierarchy. 


You are ready to add strategic initiatives, Actions or KPI´s