Keep in mind that only under a Standard KPI and Boolean KPI sub-KPIs can be created.
Follow the next steps to create the new Standard Sub-KPI (keep the same logic and parent information).
1. Click the Option Button (three dots) belonging to the KPI and select New KPI:
2. Click New KPI to create the sub-category.
3. When the new KPI form opens, give your new Sub- KPI a descriptive Name and add a more detailed Description (optional).
4. Set the Date range (start and end date).
5. Choose a Deviation, the threshold for alerts and nudging. The default positive and negative deviation limits are set to 20.
6. Choose a Weight, where 2 means the initiative is twice the weight as default (which is 1).
7. The system fills the Strategic Entity field for you.
8. Optional: Choose an Org Unit.
9. Choose an Accountable User. This is the person responsible for accomplishing the initiative.
10. Choose a Sponsor User. It is the person with the main responsibility for the initiative.
11. Click Save to finish.
If the parent KPI is a Boolean, select one of the options available for the new Sub-KPI (Boolean, Range, target):
1. Click New KPI to create the sub-category.
2. When the form opens, give your new Sub- KPI a descriptive Name and add a more detailed Description (optional).
3. Select the responsible Org Unit.
4. Select the Sponsor and Accountable user.
5. Click Save to finish.